Individual & Couples Therapy

Personalized Individual & Couples Therapy in Fair Lawn, New Jersey

Everyone needs a different and impartial perspective on the issues that plague us all. There is power in being heard, and understanding the signals we send and are being sent. I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and an advocate for mental wellness in Fair Lawn, New Jersey. I offer individual and couples therapy for those who need help working on their personal and interpersonal issues.

Individual Therapy

smiling woman - individual therapy in Fair Lawn, NJ

Individual therapy is often called psychotherapy or counseling. I usher you into a confidential and caring environment where you are free to explore feelings, thoughts, and beliefs that may be influencing your behavior. Active participation and honesty are important so you and I can establish actionable treatment goals. It may involve working through childhood memories, traumas and linking how the past may affect the present. Examining the present can lead to greater self- awareness. It has led to breakthroughs on how environment plays a part in personal growth and understanding others.

Your First Session

The first step is gaining more information about the patient and their past. Every new client will be asked to fill out a life history questionnaire so we can discuss pivotal points that have had significant life impact. Therapy sessions will involve sharing details about those experiences and their impact to give inside into the current state of the person as well as helping me to formulate possible treatment goals to improve outlook for the future. 

Couples Therapy

happy couple - couples therapy in Fair Lawn, NJ

Couples therapy is when a “couple” (i.e. married, partnered, engaged or dating) speaks with a trained therapist to identify areas of conflict and division that makes one or both people unhappy. Our goal together is to heal the relationship and work towards resolving their issues through a variety of treatment techniques.

I am trained to encourage effective communication methods, foster mindfulness in your actions, and recommend stress management and problem solving strategies. 

The Past Affecting the Present

When couples come for counseling with me, they will have the opportunity to explore their feelings, thoughts, beliefs, behaviors, and how they were raised that may be impacting their relationship both positively and negatively. I have mastered “Imago Therapy”- A dynamic way of exploring how each person's own unresolved issues of childhood may be playing out in their current relationship and in doing so, how each person has the chance to experience healing from each other in their present relationship.

Can a couple's relationship still improve if one person doesn't want to come to therapy? The good news is “yes.” Positive strides can still be made in the relationship when one person comes regularly to therapy, since change in one person can influence change in the other person and what is learned in treatment is encouraged to be shared. 
How can counselling help if my relationship doesn't work out? It is beneficial to learn how to accept loss and work through letting go so each person can feel more comfortable parting.

Contact the office of Doreen H. Greco LCSW, LCADC today to request an appointment for individual or couples therapy.

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